IT Services & Concerns


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Business Best Practices for Thriving after a Global Economic Crisis [Ebook]

Download our eBook where we talk about how the latest IT practices can help you Secure Your Employees and Their Productivity

What’s Broken with M&A Cybersecurity [Video]

Cybersecurity for Mergers and Acquisitions is a mess. There are a surprising number of significant unforeseen risks that can wreak havoc on M&A deals. In this week’s fireside chat, I am joined by Justin Daniels, General Counsel/Cybersecurity/Data Protection SME at Baker Donelson, and Alex Rayter, Principal at Phoenix 2.0 Inc, to discuss the due diligence, risks, and recommendations to better understand and manage the challenges. Let us know your experiences and if your organization is taking cybersecurity seriously when dealing with mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures.

Blog Posts & News

Alert! Cyber Crime Awareness

Recently, a few of our clients have experienced unrecoverable losses due to fraud activity...

Why IT Documentation is Key to Business Survival

The foundational piece that makes all of that possible is IT documentation. We often discover during routine due diligence that clients cannot…

How to Begin a Business Continuity Plan

Have you ever considered what would happen to your business in an IT Or Cyber Security Emergency? How would you respond? That's…

How are Managed IT Services priced and how much should it cost my firm?

Are you looking for managed IT services but aren't sure what your budget should be? Or maybe you feel like you are…

What is Managed IT? How Does it Work and Do I Need it?

During the latest round of client surveys, we asked our clients “why were you looking for an IT provider at the time…


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